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Advertising & PR

I watched the local news on channel 7 two evenings in a row, on Sunday and Monday at 10pm. Advertising during the two nights were pretty similar, most likely because the same demographic watches at the same time every day. There were ads for other shows on ABC, and a mixture of local and national ads. On both nights there were ads for Natural Grocers, Medved, and Brian More “the bulldog”. These local ads mean that many of the 10pm audience members are Denver locals, that will probably be staying in town long enough to need an attorney or buy a car. The audience is also probably mostly middle aged. There were many advertisements for Valentine’s Day, like jewelry, which is probably due to some seasonal aspect. Jewelry can be very expensive, so I would expect the ads to be targeting people who could afford jewelry, people in steady jobs making a steady income. Young people could be targeted as well, because there were ads for new clothes and food which seems more appealing to a younger generation. As for branding, I feel like the station did a good job, advertising about future stories, features of their website, and what makes them different/ better from the other local channels. Their news personalities also did a good job of branding themselves, with local products, or in future stories that they were working on talking about how they are all special. It seemed that channel 7 works hard in the evenings to show that they have solid values and stream truthful news.

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  1. February 26, 2011 at 4:40 am

    Good reflections, Amanda.

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