Home > #5, wiki > Craigslist


After looking through all of the wiki entries on various companies and organizations, I decided to post about the Craigslist wiki I read. I am very impressed with the Craigslist wiki because as someone who does not have extensive knowledge of the company, I was easily informed and learned about it’s competitors, business model and how it got started.

Craigslist was first started as a mere email distribution of friends to find events going on in their area. As Craig realized the popularity of the site he began to add job and auto categories that helped market Craigslist as what it is today. I find it fascinating that while Craigslist made 100 million in revenue in 1999, the company only employes 30 people!

I think it was very effective for the Craigslist group to describe why they are a better competitor than Ebay so as to illustrate the fortune the company has had. For example, when selling items online, Craigslist helps connect people in close proximity so that when having to ship a couch or bike, the costs are not too expensive. Also, Craigslist has over 2 million job listings that people can use to find jobs all over the world. This is something that Ebay does not offer and therefore Craigslist goes above and beyond it’s competitor.

Another reason why I applaud the creators of the Craigslist wiki is because they describe how you can be safe on Craigslist. They describe to never give a stranger your home or work address and to always find a public area to meet so as to be safe and not get one’s self into trouble. These extra notes that the group added assist individuals in using Craigslist safely and pre-cautiously.

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